Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

God is passionate about kids, and we are too! Victory Kids is a safe place where kids can have fun worshiping God and learn about Him at an age-appropriate level. Our mission is to provide an atmosphere for kids to encounter the Holy Spirit by investing time each week in worship, sharing and hearing testimonies, and learning the Word of God. We believe the Holy Spirit ministers to and through kids. 

Victory Kids

Little Angels

Even the youngest child can experience the love of God. Each infant and toddler (birth - 3 years old) receives individual attention from trained volunteers. We attend to your child’s physical and spiritual needs by holding, talking to and praying for each child. 


Children, ages 3 - 6, experience play, a time of interactive praise and worship, and a lesson that teaches age-appropriate Biblical truths. Each month, we challenge our kids with a memory verse, encouraging them to hide God’s Word in their hearts.


1st – 5th grade kids experience a powerful and fun worship service. Together, we connect with God in worship, praising Him through music, dance, giving and prayer. Each week, kids receive Biblical truth with life application, putting God’s Word to work in their lives today, while also laying a firm foundation for the future.